Wood Destroying Insects



Termites are divided into three groups: subterranean, drywood and dampwood. The most common type of termites are subterranean termites.  Subterranean termites cause 95% of all termite damage in North America.  Found in every state except Alaska, subterranean termites are most prevalent in the South; the so-called termite belt stretches across the Southeast from Virginia to Texas.  

Subterranean termites will eat anything that contains cellulose, the main component of wood, including wood paneling, paper products, cardboard boxes, art canvases, the paper covering of sheet rock, carpeting,


Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants the largest ants in the United States.  The most common color is black, but some species have reddish coloration.  Carpenter ants build nest outdoors but can establish colonies indoors in moist, decaying or hollow wood. They cut into the wood grain forming galleries to build their nest.  Carpenter Ant tunneling can cause serious structural damage.  Carpenter ants do not eat wood, but they will feed on sweets and meats. They will also feed on other insects.



Carpenter Bees

Common in all regions, female carpenter bees burrow into wood to to deposit their eggs. They will make galleries in almost any wooden object they find; decks, siding, landscape timbers and lawn furniture.   They drill almost perfectly round entry holes about 1 to 2 inches in diameter that lead to tunnels where they lay their eggs.

Carpenter bees are less likely to cause serious structural damage than termites or carpenter ants. However, their entry holes can allow moisture to enter the wood.

Powderpost beetle

Powderpost Beetles

These wood-boring beetles lay their eggs in cracks, crevices, and wood pores. The hatching larvae then feed on the wood. Present in all regions.

 Anobiid powderpost beetles attack softwood species such as spruce, pine, and fir that are commonly used to make floor joists, wall studs, and other structural lumber.

Lyctid powderpost beetles attack only hardwoods, such as oak, ash, hickory, and maple used in furniture, cabinets, wooden floors, and some interior moldings/trim.